Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Post Operative Care
pain management should be continuous from or to post-anesthetic unit to hospital ward and home 
pain service may assist with management of post operative inpatients.

Post-Operative nausea and Vomiting
more likely occur if young age female gender eye / middle ear / gynecological surgery, obese , history of post-anesthetic nausea / Vomiting.

Some anesthetic agents tend to cause more nausea post-operatively than other (e.g) opioids, nitrous oxide.

Hypertension and bradycardia must be ruled out. 

Pain/surgical manipulation also cause nausea.

Often treated with   dimenhydrinare (  ) metoclopramide (maxeran. tm) (not with bowel obstruction) prochlorperazine ( stematil ,tm) ondansetron ( granisetron.

post operative confusion and agitation .

ABCs first-confusion or agitation can be caused by airway obstruction, hypercapnea, hypoxemia.

Neurologic status (glassgow coma scale.pupils) residual paralysis from anesthetic.

Pain distended bowel /bladder.

Fear anxiety/separation from caregives/language barriers. 

Metabolic disturbance (hypoglycemia, hypercalcemia, hyponatremia-especially post TURP). 

Intracranial cause (stroke, raised intracranial pressure).

Drug effect (ketamine, anticholinergics).

Elderly patients are more susceptible to post-operative delirium. 

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Shoulder Dystocia


-Impaction of anterior shoulder of fetus against symphysis pubis after fetal head has been delivered
-Life threatening emergency

Etiology epidemiology

-Incidence 0.15-1.4% of deliveries
-Occurs when breadth of shoulder is greater than biparietal diameter of the head

Risk factor
-Maternal: obesity, Diabetes, multiparity
-Fetal: prolonged gestation, macrosomia

Labour :
-Prolong 2nd stage
-Prolonged deceleration phase (8-10 cm)
-Instrumental midpelvic delivery

Clinical feature
-“Turtle sign” (head delivered but retracts against inferior portion of pubic symphysis)

Chest Compression by vagina or cord compression by pelvis can lead to hypoxia
Danger of brachial plexus injury (Erb palsy: C5-C7.klumpke;s palsy: C8-TI )
-90% resolve within 6 months
Fetal fracture (clavicle, humerus, cervical spine )
Maternal perineal injury, may result in PPH
Intrapartum fetal hypoxia of trauma

Goal: to displace anterior shoulder from behind symphysis pubis; follow a stepwise approach of maneuvers until goal achieve (see box)

Other option when ALARMER fails :
-Cleidotomy (deliberate fracture of neonatal clavicle)
-Zavanelli maneuver: replacement of fetus into uterine cavity and emergent C/S
-Abdominal incision and shoulder disimpaction via hysterotomy - Subsequent vaginal delivery 

-90%of shoulder dystocias will resolve with McRobert’s maneuver and suprapubic pressure

-1%risk of long term disability for infant.